Your first HTML visualization

In this brief demo, we will show you how to use the OSMTimeLapser package to create a html-based timelapse of the built-in Kathmandu dataset. Once you install OSMTimeLapser [1], you can type the same commands to create your own gif. Note that you can change ‘month’ to ‘year’ or ‘week’, the filename, output directory, and interval of switching from one picture to another. For more options, see ?saveHTML and ?ani.options.

## Load the library
## Load the built-in dataset kathmandu_2013 into your R environment

## Create an HTML animation using the animate package. For more options, see
## ?saveHTML
    time_lapse(kathmandu_2013, "month", verbose = FALSE)
}, title = "Edits to OSM in Kathmandu", ani.height = 600, ani.width = 1000, 
    single.opts = paste("'controls':", "['first', 'previous', 'play', 'next', 'last', 'speed']"), 
    loop = FALSE, interval = 0.5, outdir = normalizePath("../demo/"), htmlfile = "kathmandu_monthly.html")

[1] To install OSMTimeLapseR, copy and paste the following into an R console. You will also need to install Java (for the downloading and re-projecting the basemap) and ImageMagick (for creating GIFs). install.packages('devtools'); require(devtools); install_github("prabhasp/OSMTimeLapseR")